Discussion and Answers

Discussion Topics

At an early stage of learning HTML it is often the little problems that provoke discussion. So you may want to spend some time online discussing the problems you have encountered with your fellow students or tutors.

In particular, you might want to discuss the different format of HTML tags. Some (like bold) have end markers, some (like the line break) do not have end markers, and some (like anchors and images) take arguments. Why do different tags have different formats? What other tags might there be? Is there anything that cannot be done in a tag?

If you managed to validate your code discuss the usability of the Validating Services you investigated as part of Activity 13.

In particular, you should:

  1. compare the results obtained from the different online validation services.

  2. Discuss their ease of use and their functionality.

  3. And finally, you should take an online vote on your preferred online validation service.

Discussion of Activity 3

Your HTML document should look something like the one below:

 <TITLE>My first Web page</TITLE>
 <H1>Getting started with HTML</H1>
 <H2>Your name</H2>
 <B>Internet Commerce</B>
 <I>This is italics</I>
 <B>This is bold</B>

Discussion of Activity 4

Your solution should look something like this. Note this solution does not include the structural HTML tags.

Formatting text:<BR>
Users of HTML are sometimes surprised to find that HTML gives them little control over the way that a page is
displayed. It should be remembered that HTML was developed 
as a means of marking up the structure of a document not 
as a way of determining its presentation.

<P>Formatting text to appear on a Web page is therefore 
different from formatting text to appear in a printed 

Discussion of Activity 6 — Lists

The code to create the lists should look something like the one below. The HTML of particular interest is shown in bold.

  <UL TYPE=square>

  <OL TYPE=i>
  <DD>First season of the year: March - May
  <DD>Second season of the year: June - August
  <DD>Third season of the year: September - November
  <DD>Fourth season of the year: December - February

          <OL START=3>
          <OL START=6>

  <OL START=9>
  <OL START=12>
  <LI VALUE=1>January</LI>

Discussion of Activity 7 - Preformatted text and comments

The code should look something like that shown below.

 <!-The following table was created using the preformatted text option -->
 Paper Fixed
 Web Fluid

Discussion of Activity 9 - Linking to sections within documents

The links to the specified sections should look as below:

 <A HREF="#section_two">Section Two</A><BR>
 <A HREF="#section_three">Section Three</A><BR>
 <A HREF="filetwo.htm#section_two">File Two: Section Two</A>
 <A HREF="filetwo.htm#section_three">File Two: Section Three</A>

Discussion of Activity 11 - Changing the appearance of links

The code to generate the colour schemes is shown below:

white background, black text and red hyperlinks

      <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#FF000000">
      <BODY BGCOLOR="white" TEXT="black" LINK="red">
      <BODY BGCOLOR="#000000" TEXT="#FFFFFF" LINK="#00FFFF">
      <BODY BGCOLOR="black" TEXT="white" LINK="cyan">