MSc-IT Study Material
June 2010 Edition

Computer Science Department, University of Cape Town

Groupware and CSCW

Groupware and CSCW (Computer Supported Cooperative Work) facilitates people working together through new technologies. For example, a product development team can allow people to work on the same document, model, or drawing at the same time.

By contrast, two colleagues working together on a paper using traditional software have the problem that they cannot simultaneously work on it. This problem can be lessened by using versioning software, which allows each person to work on different areas of the paper.

More advanced software enables the two colleagues to see the same document. When it's modified, the changes are simultaneously shown to both authors. This means that they really are working on the same document. An extra window might be provided for them to type notes to, and communicate with, each other. If they wish to involve more people in a discussion, they might set up a video conference. This is an area which is being actively developed and already has some commercial applications.

Assignment 1: Groupware

PowerPoint can be used to make presentations which have some visual and animated components. The latest version of PowerPoint has limited collaboration support, so in this assignment you will find out about the current capability and then think of how PowerPoint can be extended so that you can better work jointly with a colleague on a presentation.

  1. Suggest the capabilities you would require of the system to achieve what you want (i.e. don't compromise what you want to do because it may be technically difficult).

  2. What technical steps must be taken to enable users to work simultaneously on a PowerPoint presentation?

  3. Devise a simple storyboard that captures the look and feel of what you intend.

In your answer, be specific about what data would need to be transferred.

If possible, discuss this on the online forum.

You might want to visit the Microsoft PowerPoint website to see what is currently possible. If you have a copy of the software, the help section (Press F1) might also be useful.

Now do Review Questions 2 and 3.

Grouputer: An Example of Groupware

Let us look at one example of electronic meeting conducted over a distributed network. Grouputer is a form of Groupware developed in Australia. Grouputer has proved to be useful for meetings and business decision making. Further details are available here

To Do

Visit the Grouputer website and make a short note on the functionality and hardware requirements of Grouputer. Compare it to other Groupware that you know or have heard of. How useful do you think this type of software is? Read the section on the customers' reaction to gauge how the software has been employed.