MSc-IT Study Material
January 2011 Edition

Computer Science Department, University of Cape Town
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Chapter 8. Design Patterns

Table of Contents

Introduction to design patterns
The idea of a pattern
The origins of design patterns
Patterns in software design
Design patterns in object-oriented programming
Definitions of terms and concepts
Scope of development activity: applications, toolkits, frameworks
Pattern classifications and pattern catalogue
Behavioural patterns
Creational patterns
Structural patterns
How to use a design pattern
Patterns in Java
The Observer pattern in Java
The Model-View-Controller pattern
Abstract factory facilities in Java
Composite patterns in Java


At the end of this chapter you should be able to:

  • Describe the provenance of design patterns and explain their potential use in the design process.

  • Select a specific design pattern for the solution of a given design problem.

  • Create a catalogue entry for a simple design pattern whose purpose and application is understood.