Discussions and Answers

Correct code for Activity 1 step 1

The code should appear as below, with the </TITLE> tag before the </HEAD> tag

    HTML Table Design
  </BODY >
  </HTML >

Solution to Activity 2: HTML Colours Table

Here is the code used to create the table in Activity 2.

 <table border=1 width=700>
   <caption>Some HTML Colors</caption>
     <th height = 50 width=100><center>Colour</center></th> 
     <th width=200><center>Name</center></th> 
     <th width=200><center>hexadecimal</center></th> 
     <th width=200><center>RGB value</center></th>
     <td height=50 bgcolor=salmon></td>
     <th width=200><center>250-128-114</center></th>
     <td height=50 bgcolor=gold></td>
     <th width=200><center>255-215-0</center></th>

Discussion Topic

The purpose of this exercise is to give you the opportunity to discussion the subject of fixed and flexible page design with other students in the course.

Before going to the Discussion Forum, do the following.

  1. Go to the O'Reilly's Web site and the UCT website and

    • Decide if these pages use fixed or flexible;

    • Consider whether there are any disadvantages with this type of Web page design.

  2. Find another example of a Web page that uses a fixed page design, and another that uses a flexible page design.

You are now ready to join the Discussion Forum. In the forum you should be able to:

  • Discuss your thoughts on the design principles used to create the O'Reilly and UCT websites

  • Share the Web page design examples that you have found and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of fixed and flexible Web page design.

Additional Resources

You may find these online resources useful in your study of tables.

Answers to Review Questions

  1. Tables were initially developed as a tool to organise and display data in columns and rows, but they are now also use to support Web page design.

  2. Designers prefer to use tables to frames because older versions of browsers do not support frames.

  3. List of possible instructions to develop a table in HTML:

    1. Insert the table tag and decide on its dimensions.

    2. Add a row with the TR tag.

    3. Insert a cell in the newly created row, with dimensions and other characteristics.

    4. Add the data to be displayed.

    5. Close the data cell.

    6. Repeat steps three through five as necessary.

    7. Terminate the row.

    8. Return to the second step and repeat until all of necessary rows have been added.

    9. Terminate the table.

  4. Fixed Web page design gives designers more control over the Web page, as they can define the exact dimensions of the layout of the page. Flexible Web page design uses relative measurements, and so the element sizes may change, depending on the window size. The advantages of a fixed page design: constant, consistent look to the page; controls line length. Disadvantages of a fixed page design: design may be too large and cause scrolling on the screen. Advantages of a flexible page design: Web page takes up whole page, meets the needs of all resolutions, monitor and window sizes. Disadvantages of a flexible page design: can create unreadable line lengths; possibly unpredictable design.