Review Questions

  1. When designing a website to advertise a product, what design issues should be considered other than aesthetic and usability ones?

    Answer at the end of the chapter

  2. Imagine that you are constructing a website to advertise a local coach or bus company. What information would you include on the site?

    Answer at the end of the chapter

  3. Your employer wishes to build a website to advertise the company, but is apprehensive and needs some reassurance. Write a short essay (no more than 300 words) explaining the advantages of marketing on the Internet.

    Answer at the end of the chapter

  4. List the main disadvantages of advertising on the Internet.

    Answer at the end of the chapter

  5. What are the financial advantages of having a popular Web site?

    Answer at the end of the chapter

  6. Why is it necessary to increase awareness of the product or service you offer among your customers, and what techniques can you use on the Internet to increase their awareness?

    Answer at the end of the chapter

  7. Explain some of the advantages and disadvantages of selling products on the Internet.

    Answer at the end of the chapter

  8. Explain how an organisation may restructure itself once it begins advertising on the Internet.

    Answer at the end of the chapter

  9. Explain improvements that can be made to a website to cater for returning customers, as well as to the marketing of several products (for instance, as in with a virtual bookshop such as Amazon).

    Answer at the end of the chapter

  10. Refer to the DAGMAR model and explain how the different transformations of the customer's state may be achieved in the context of the Internet.

    Answer at the end of the chapter